Tuesday, May 15, 2012

muddiest points

What is the signfiicance of blood pressure as an idicator of the state of health of the circulatory system & how to messure blood pressure, understand systolic and disatolic pressure?

sorry, i know its a lot but HELP! 
Can someone help me with the parts of the pathway of air through the nose? is there any way that you remember it? im just having trouble remembering.

Muddiest Point

hey guys!!
I was wondering if someone could explain what the axon does?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Muddiest points

Hey Guys.. I'm confused on what the alveoli do or if they even have a purpose.
 -Thanks Makenzie

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Muddiest Point

Hi guys, I'm still confused on the way the blood flows through the heart. If someone could help me that would be great! Thanks!


Muddiest Point

Hey guys! so the thing I am most confused with is why blood type O can donate blood to any blood type, but cannot receive blood from any blood type, but blood type O. Thanks!

Muddiest Point

Hey everyone!
I was looking at the objectives sheet and the thing I'm probably the most confused on is how an impulse moves along a neuron and the resting potential, threshold, action potential, and myelin all relate to each other.

Muddiesnt Points!

Hi guys!
I'm sort of confused on the parts of the brains. Is there a good way to remember which part is which and the functions too?
Hey guys!
I just need clarification on the path of the blood through the heart. Also, i don't understand the thing jessica Geweke posted.

Muddiest Point

Hey everyone. :)
I was looking at the study guide and I'm not sure what is meant by lung capacity. What is it and how is it measured? Also, what is systolic and diastolic pressure?
-Tanya P.

Muddiest Point

Hey guys, I'm still confused on how the whole blood typing thing works and how you know which blood type will work with what. Thanks!

Muddiest Point

Hi, will somebody explain to me how the reflex arc works? And what structures are involved


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Muddiest Point

Hello everyone,
My muddiest point is understanding how the nervous system responds to different stimuli like receptors, effector, synapse, neurotransmitter, learning, sleep, and drugs. Thanks!

Muddiest Point

My muddiest point is the flow of blood through the heart.  What is the order of the structures is flows through?
Also, what is the difference between the Central and Peripheral parts of the nervous system?

Muddiest Point!

Hi everyone,

I was wondering what the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure was.

Muddiest Point

Hey guys!
So I'm a little confused about erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. If someone could tell me their similarities and differences thanks!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Muddiest Point!

Hey Everyone,

How does an impulse move along a neuron? For example resting potential, threshold, action potential, and myelin.


Sonya A.

Muddiest Points

Hi i'm having trouble remembering the functions of the parts of the nerve cells and other terms reguarding nerve cells