Hey Everyone!
Today in class Mrs.Stein checked in our homework and gave us a stamp. She went over the answers with us before we discussed the disease of the day. First, we finished Schistosomiasis from yesterday. This disease is vector born and
associated with snails. It affects the urinary system. The disease of the day was Influenza. It is caused by a RNA virus. Since the flu is a virus the best way to treat it is to prevent the spread of it.

At the end of the day we set up two labs that we will be doing on Monday. In the first lab we tested three surfaces. We then swabbed the cue tip on its proper quadrant on a dish. On Monday we will be looking for bacteria in these quadrants. In the second lab we put three antibiotics in the agar. We will observe the effects of the antibiotics.
up 13-16
up 13-16
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