Tay–Sachs is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder. It causes many to become weaker in mental and physical ways that starts normally around when someone is six months old and usually results in death by the age of four. It is a genetic diese where a single gene with one bad copy of that gene inherited from each parent. So, each parent must be a carrier. This gene is most found in people of Jewish decent. Tay Sachs occur when harmful quantities of cell membrane components compile in the nerve cells of the brain, causing the death of those cells.
Signs And Symptoms:
Tay Sachs is categorized into three catagories:
Infantile Tay-Sachs Young babies with Tay–Sachs disease seem to grow normally for the first six months after birth. Then the symptoms appear, the child becomes bind, deaf, and unable to swallow.
Juvenile Tay–Sachs is very rare. It occurs in children between two and 10 years of age. They develop speech and motor diffucites, along with swallowing and spasiticty.
Late Onset Tay-Sachs is very rare. It occurs in people in their 20s and early 30s. It is usually non-fatal. Some symptoms are having speech difficulities and swallowing difficulties, spasticity, and psychiatric illness.
There is no cure discovered yet. There are things you can do to prevent it.
- A Carrier Test (to see if you are a carrier)
-Prenatal Testing(to see if two bad genes were inherited)
\\ Population
it kills 100% of whom it has affected
Life Expectancy:
Infantile- 4 years
Juvilline- 15 years
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