- Finish lab 38
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Scribe! 1/31
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Scribe - 1/26
Hey everyone! Today in class we began with getting our Double Bubble
maps back. We discussed the main points of Darwin vs. Lamarck.
Then we talked about today's lab Breakfast for the Birds. The materials needed for
this lab were:
- pliers
- forceps
- slotted spoon
- staple remover
- 4 paper cups
- colored pencils
- graph paper
- stapler
In this lab, there were five stations that had different types of "food". The "food" was rice, foam,
sunflower seeds, staples, and rubber bands. In order to eat this food, we had a
beak (utensil). We used pliers, forceps, large spoons, and staple removers to
eat as much of the food as we could.
We recorded our data in the table provided, and some of the
beaks worked better than others for eating certain foods.
Finally, we have to graph our data on a bar graph. Make sure to make a key for
each of the environments!
Tonight's homework is to:
- Finish UP 4-8
- read 16.4 with the pink sheet
- TV Ad
Don't forget - tomorrow is a Bio Day!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Scribe! 1/25

Hey guys! So today in class we began with handing in our Double Bubble Maps on Darwin vs. Lamark. Then we discussed on how the Natural Selection Lab worked and how we were going to do it. *Just incase you guys didn't get the homework it is to finish the Natural Selection Lab, go see Mrs. Stein to get a homework pass if you haven't already, and that the Project on the endangered species is due February 28th.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Scribe 1/24/12
Some of the important topics we discussed today were:
- Variation- many of the organisms Darwin observed were similar but differed from island to island. He concluded some organisms were similar because they all descended from a common ancestor but developed differently to suit the environment they lived in
- Natural selection- how organisms adapt to their environment in order to survive and pass their genes on to the next generation. Also, the environment determines which characteristics are beneficial to different organisms.
- The finches in the movie exhibited natural selection especially in their beaks
- there are two sizes of beaks- large and small
- during a year when there were smaller seeds, the finches with smaller beaks had a larger survival rate because their beak size was most efficient to eat the seeds.
- the next year, there would be more finches with smaller beaks because there were more finches with small beaks the year before to produce offspring with small beaks
- if during another year there were more seeds that were larger, the finches with larger beaks had a better chance of survival because their beak size best suited eating larger seeds
Monday, January 23, 2012
SCRIBE 1/23/12
2nd Semester! Wooohooo!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
muddiest points
janie kahans muddiest point
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point!
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point
Thanks, Kelli
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point!
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Scribe January 9th
Hello everyone!
Today in class we mainly talked about the menstrual cycle. Here are some of the notes I took:
Hypothalamus Gland- regulates the secretion of the pituarty gland
Then the Pituitary Gland relapses FSH and LH.
The FSH and LH then stimulate the ovary to produce Estrogen and Progesterone.
The chart to the side is basically: What leads to the production of what?

Back tracking a bit: When the egg gets released, the corpus lutem is left over. The corpus lutem is the remains of the follicle. The CL secrets the hormones estrogen and mostly progesterone.
Why do we care about the uterine lining?
The egg, if fertilized will attach to the lining.
-Preventing the union of egg and sperm.
Barrier Method:
Chemical Methods: (prevents gamete formation or kills gametes)
Behavioral Changes in Sexual practices:
Fertilization occurs in the oviduct
-Zygote- fertilized egg
Cell Division begins
- Embryo -1 cell
- Morula-solid ball of 64 cells
- Blastocyst- hollow ball of cells
Have fun!
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Points!
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point!
Muddiest Point
Muddiest Point
Im having troubles understanding the negative and positive feedback loop (in the context of hormones and the menstrual cycle). Thanks!
Muddiest Point
I am having trouble understanding how feedback works. Can someone please explain this to me? Thanks!
Muddiest Point!
Muddiest Point!
Muddiest Point
My Muddiest Point is distinguishing the amnion and chorion. What is the difference between the two?
Also, what are the Negative/Positive Feedback Loops? I was looking through the objectives, and I didn't recognize some of these things..