checking in our "Picture This!" assignment and also our UP page 26. Along with that, we got a new stamp sheet and received two rainbow stamps.
Then we started talking about Darwin Vs. Lamarck. We determined that these are some very important facts to know, and will help with your understanding on the different theories of Darwin and Lamarck!
- There is a struggle for existence
among organisms.
-There is a tendency toward
overproduction in nature.
-Conducted most of his research
in the Galapagos Islands.

Tonight's homework is to:
-Two mice whose tails had been cut
off should produce offspring with no
tails. (inheritance of acquired characteristics).
-All organisms have an INBORN URGE
to better themselves and become more
fit for their environments; thus birds
developed wings because of this urge.
We answered these questions^ on page 13 in the UP packet; for more practice go there and answer more of those questions! Also, for more help on Lamarck/Darwin, a great recourse is the textbook, and also look through this powerpoint for more review!
View more presentations from Jmason1
After our short review on Lamarck and Darwin, we took a quiz on a reading we did the other day. This quiz did not count, but could be very helpful to study off of. The quiz was on:
Homologous Structures
Comparative Embryology
Molecular Biology
Analogous Structures
Vestigial Structures
^^^^^^^Example of homologous structures
^^^^^^^Example of comparative embryology
^^^^^^^Example of analogous structures
^^^^^^^Example of vestigial structures
Homologous Structures- As similar organisms adapt to different environments, the function of their appendages changed.
Comparative Embryology- Examining the embryos of organisms; Organisims with similar embryos are thought to be more closely related.
Molecular Biology- Comparison of the amino acid sequences
Analogous Structures- Different organisms began living in similar environments, their appendages involved to preform the same function.
Vestigial Structures- Structures which remain in organisms but have no obvious function.
- Finish lab 38
The next scribe is...........Kasia!
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