Hi, I'm confused on the process of double fertilization. Someone please explain! Thanks
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Muddiest Point
Hey Guys so I'm a bit confused on what the Palisade layer does in the leaf and also what structures in the leaf are involved in conserving water and how the do it. Thanks -Makenzie
Muddiest Point
Hey everyone!
What I dont get is the whole process of double fertilization. Im kinda confused on why it happens and such. Thanks!
What I dont get is the whole process of double fertilization. Im kinda confused on why it happens and such. Thanks!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Muddiest Point
Hey Guys!
I'm still a little confused on the function of the spongy layer. I always forget that one for some reason. If anyone has a trick to remember it can they share it with me? Thanks
I'm still a little confused on the function of the spongy layer. I always forget that one for some reason. If anyone has a trick to remember it can they share it with me? Thanks
Muddiest Point
Hey guys! So I'm kind of confused on the process of double fertilization, so if someone could explain this to me, it would be great. Thanks!
Scribe Class 3/20/12
Hi Guys!
Today in class we reviewed all of our labs before taking the lab quiz. Everyone had some great questions and that helped me greatly on the quiz. Next we took the plant quiz. For the quiz we wrote down our answers from thee questions that were projected on the board. After everyone was done with the quiz we covered pollination and took notes on it.
Here are some key points to remember about pollination:
>Their are many types of pollination consisting of self pollination, cross pollination, wind pollination, and vector pollination
>Self pollination-Very efficient, fertilizes the same plant.
>Cross pollination-Efficient,fertilizes another plant.
>Wind pollination-Not efficient, needs high production of pollen.
>Vector pollination-More efficient than wind pollination, produces less pollen.
We also learned the three steps of fertilization:
1. Pollen lands on stigma.
2. Pollen tube grows into the style.
3. Sperm and egg unite forming a zygote
Study for pod quiz and unit test
Finish all the reading from up3 by test time
Today in class we reviewed all of our labs before taking the lab quiz. Everyone had some great questions and that helped me greatly on the quiz. Next we took the plant quiz. For the quiz we wrote down our answers from thee questions that were projected on the board. After everyone was done with the quiz we covered pollination and took notes on it.
Here are some key points to remember about pollination:
>Their are many types of pollination consisting of self pollination, cross pollination, wind pollination, and vector pollination
>Self pollination-Very efficient, fertilizes the same plant.
>Cross pollination-Efficient,fertilizes another plant.
>Wind pollination-Not efficient, needs high production of pollen.
>Vector pollination-More efficient than wind pollination, produces less pollen.
We also learned the three steps of fertilization:
1. Pollen lands on stigma.
2. Pollen tube grows into the style.
3. Sperm and egg unite forming a zygote
Study for pod quiz and unit test
Finish all the reading from up3 by test time
Muddiest Point
how does the fruit function in a plant?
Muddiest Point
hey guys!
I'm a little confused on what a cortex does in a root? If someone could explain the function for me that would be great!
Muddiest Point
Hey guys!
I'm confused on what exactly the polar nuclei are and also all of the reflecting and absorbing stuff with the chlorophyll and other colors
If you could help that'd be great!!!
Muddiest Point
Hi guys!
The only thing I am confused on is how to tell if something is a stem or a root.
If someone could tell me that would be great!
Muddiest Point
Hey guys! So i am having trouble remembering what the cortex and the polar nuclei is? if you have any idea on how to remember them that would be great!
Muddiest Point!
I was wondering what the 4 defining characteristics of the plant kingdom are and how do you identify which parts of the plant are edible. Thanks!
Muddiest Points!
Hi guys!
I always get confused with xylem and phloem. I know their functions, but I get confused which function goes with which. Is there any good way to remember them?
Also, what is the function of a receptacle?
Thanks! :D
Monday, March 19, 2012
muddiest points
whats the difference between a angiosperm & a gymnosperm??
thanks !
thanks !
Muddiest Point
Hi guys, I am a little confused on the function of the stamen and the pistil. If someone could help me, that would be great!
Muddiest Point
Hey guys. I'm a little confused on the differences between a dicot and a monocot. If you could help me with that that'd be great! Thanks!
Muddiest Point
I am a little confused on the difference between the stoma and the stroma. Also, what evolved first out of the following: mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms?
Muddiest Point!!!
Hey everyone!
I'm a little confused on the functions of the sepal and the petal.
If someone could help that'd be great. Thanks!
Scribe 3/19

Finish Flower Lab 41-44
National Parks 7:30 am Wed.
Muddiest Points Wed.
Comments ^^ Thursday
POD quiz thursday
POD Quiz:
-what they look like
-key characteristics
-*tip: If a word is bolded then you should know it, and then be able to give examples*
Water Pulls Up- through Vascular Tube
- constant pull of water to get more water
Some definitions we went over:
Vascular: Transport tissue
-through Xylem water goes upward
-through phloem food(sugars) goes everywhere
Cortex: Food Storage
Root Hairs- increase surface area
-absorbs more h20
STEMS: no vascular cylinder
Muddiest Point!
Hey Everyone,
What does a vascular cylinder do? Also, how does a chlorophyll molecule absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light on a visible spectrum?
Sonya A.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Scribe 3/16/12

So on Friday we started off class with the plant of the day and that day we actually had 2 plants of the day!
The first one was the Madagascar Palm ----->
The second was the Sundrew
Then we finished our labs which are due on Monday!
We also took notes on the Concept of Transpiration, so if you didn't get them here they are!
-Transpiration: the process when water(h2o) moves up through the xylem(which is the structure that transports water throughout the plant body) and out through the stoma(which is the opening between the guard cells that regulates how much water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen comes in and out of the plant body).
- Cohesion: water molecules stick to each other
- Adhesion: water molecules stick to the walls of the xylem.
- *In order for water to have a continuous pull upward, it needs to be able to go somewhere.*
1.) Work on textbook readings
- focus on transpiration sec 23.4(end of leaves) 23.5 (first pages only!)
- look at second page of packet for sections to read
2.) Read section 24.1
-Come to class knowing
1) purpose/function of flowers
2) parts of flowers
3) how flowers develop into fruits
4) life cycle of an angiosperm
3.) UP 39 Color/Functions
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Scribe 3/13/12
Hey everyone,
To begin class we reviewed before we took out photosynthesis and leaf quiz. Then we started the lab on page UP25-32. This lab is all about examining different types of plants but all must preforming photosynthesis.
The station I went to is...
To begin class we reviewed before we took out photosynthesis and leaf quiz. Then we started the lab on page UP25-32. This lab is all about examining different types of plants but all must preforming photosynthesis.
The station I went to is...
This plant responds to Gravity (gravitropism). It responds to gravity by having the stem and roots grow with gravity (positive), but the shoots go against gravity (negative).
These radish plants were exposed to light only on one side of the plant therefore the plant grew only on that one side. The behavior of this plant is known as positive phototropism because it reacts to the location of the light.
Other pictures from other stations:
- UP 25-32 with fruit sheet (due FRIDAY)
- READ 23.2 & SKIM 23.3 *to be used as inference this week for your lab & objectives*
- National Parks (next WEDNESDAY)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Scribe 3/12
So today in class we review photosynthesis and went over old homework.

- we reviewed the chloroplast during photosynthesis
- chloroplast absorbs light and elections become energized
- water splits to produce H+ and O2
- electrons loses energy to form ATP ( ATP goes to calvin cycle)
- H+ and NADP forms NADPH ( carries energy to calvin cycle)
- C02 is added to a 5 carbon sugar
- energy from NADPH and ATP used to make reactions
- produces sugar
- review for quiz tomorrow
- finish the lab
- project due Wednesday 21st
the next scribe is: Jessica
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Scribe 3/8/12
Hey Everybody!
The first thing we did today was the plant of the day. Today's plant was a moss ball (which is actually made of algae).
Mrs. Stein then stamped our homework that was due. (UP 67-68)
We then got started on our plant pigments lab. It was based on what kind of pigments are found in different plants. We looked at a spinach leaf and a red leaf. We determined the different pigments in the plant by first transferring the green/red from each plant onto a drawn line on this paper called chromatography paper. We then rolled up the paper and put the bottom portion of it into alcohol. We waited about 10-15 min. Once the time was up, we saw how the different colored pigments separated on the paper. This is what our results looked like once the pigments were separated:

We also took some notes on photosynthesis. The main things you have to know are:
- (reactants) 6CO2 + 6H2O = (products) C6H12O6 + 6O2
- Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast!!
You have to know this picture!!!
The HW for tomorrow is :
- UP 81-85 OR Cornell notes
- Finish Pigments Lab
- National Parks Research
KELLI will be our next scribe!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Scribe post
Hey guys,
As soon as we came in we got to get a stamp for UP pages for 8.1 section. We then got a diagram of the leaf and we wrote down the functions along with labeling it. Here is some key points:
After this we got in groups to discuss questions of UP 61 which was about 6 questions asking about energy and what you know about photosythenis. Some of the key points of the UP 61 is listed below:
*UP 67-68
*Read sections 8.2 & 8.3, do UP 81-85 or two page corrnell notes (due Friday)
The next scribe is TANYA[:
As soon as we came in we got to get a stamp for UP pages for 8.1 section. We then got a diagram of the leaf and we wrote down the functions along with labeling it. Here is some key points:
- Culticle: keeps the water in (the waxy feeling of a plant)
- Water comes out as transpiration
- Stomata: openning that does gas exchange and water
- Vascular tissue: Xylem and phyloem and transport tissue
- Palisade: absords light for photosythenis
After this we got in groups to discuss questions of UP 61 which was about 6 questions asking about energy and what you know about photosythenis. Some of the key points of the UP 61 is listed below:
- You can't create or destroy energy
- You use energy for homeostatis and movement
- Organisms can get energy by sunlight or food they eat
- Plants do photosythenis which is a process
- Photosythenis is where the plant takes in O2 & lets out CO2.
*UP 67-68
*Read sections 8.2 & 8.3, do UP 81-85 or two page corrnell notes (due Friday)
The next scribe is TANYA[:
Friday, March 2, 2012
3-2-12 Scribe
Hey guys!....
For today we were supposed to go to the IMC and research on our national park projects. But we didn't because the network was down. So we had a change of plans....
Today our Plant of the Day was the Sensitive Plant also known as the Mimosa pudica. It's native to Brazil so it probably will die before we see it flowers bloom.
We also went over the National Park Project. Remember to have 3 different species/kingdoms of plants. Also, please don't say any words that you can't pronounce. For example, you don't have to say the plants scientific name.
We also took some notes about the plant prequiz.
- The Plant kingdom rose from the Protista kingdom
- Plants need Gas Exchange. --> For Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
- Plants need Sunlight
- They need Waters
- They also need minerals
- Also a true water-conducting tissue are actually vascular tissue. When you have this kind of tissue the organism is tall or grows bigger. For example, big trees are big because they have this tissue. So the water they get from their roots are carried all the way to the leaves on top of the tree
- Some problems plants may have faced was that the sun might dry them out because they were used to being surrounded by water.
- Another problem is reproduction --> Spores would dry out.
- Seeds are embryos, which becomes the new plant, they store food and protects them from drying out
Today's homework:
- Finish the Leaf lab
- Work on your national park research (UP 9-14)
- Review section 8.1 with UP 79-80 due Wednesday
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Scribe for March 1st
Hey guys!
Today in class we took notes about the plant kingdom.
The 4 characteristics of the plant kingdom is:
-cell walls of cellulose
-autotrophic, photosynthetic
We also went over the two plant of the day.
One was called a baseball plant and another one was called a Venus fly trap.
The details of each plant are on the mini sheets we got.
Then, we took a quiz about the textbook pages we read.
We had a choice of working alone or with a random partner.
After that, we talked about our homework and the project we will be starting (UP9-12).
Our homework is UP19 with section 23.4 in our textbook!
If you don't already know your group or which park you will be doing, make sure you figure it out as soon as possible!
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