So on Friday we started off class with the plant of the day and that day we actually had 2 plants of the day!
The first one was the Madagascar Palm ----->
The second was the Sundrew
Then we finished our labs which are due on Monday!
We also took notes on the Concept of Transpiration, so if you didn't get them here they are!
-Transpiration: the process when water(h2o) moves up through the xylem(which is the structure that transports water throughout the plant body) and out through the stoma(which is the opening between the guard cells that regulates how much water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen comes in and out of the plant body).
- Cohesion: water molecules stick to each other
- Adhesion: water molecules stick to the walls of the xylem.
- *In order for water to have a continuous pull upward, it needs to be able to go somewhere.*
1.) Work on textbook readings
- focus on transpiration sec 23.4(end of leaves) 23.5 (first pages only!)
- look at second page of packet for sections to read
2.) Read section 24.1
-Come to class knowing
1) purpose/function of flowers
2) parts of flowers
3) how flowers develop into fruits
4) life cycle of an angiosperm
3.) UP 39 Color/Functions
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