Sunday, September 18, 2011

9-16-11 P2 Class Review

Today, we did lab #58 from our lab books that we handed in to Mrs. Stein at the beginning of the year to keep in a shelf. The lab was called Learning About Population Density. For the lab we had to measure the population density of dandelions, plantains, and Clovers by dividing the area into smaller areas called quadrats. The number of each plant in each quadrat is counted. Then the numbers are added up and then divided by the combined area of the quadrats to calculate their population density. We determined the population densities of dandelions, clovers and plantains in an area by studying a quadrat one meter square and pooling your results with the rest of the class results to create the over population density of the three weeds.
1. We put a pre-made 1 meter sqaured square around a piece of the grass outside.
2. We divided the quadrat into smaller areas and layed the meter stick along one side of the quadrat and another meter stick 10 cm from the boundary.
3. We counted the number of dandelions, clovers and plantains that were in each section of the quadrat. There were 10 sections for each quadrat.
4. We put all the data into a table and totaled up the dandelions, clovers and plantains.
5. Every group in the class put all their data into another table to find the class total of each weed and then the population density.
6. Then there were questions on the lab sheet about the population densities of deer in a specific experiment that we had to answer and if you didn't finish them in class, they were homework.
We also went over the homework that was due that day and the homework that was assigned for over the weekend which was:
1. Finish Lab 58
2. Fill in the chart while reading pg. 97 and 6.2 and 6.4
3. Work on your Duckweed project

KAITLYN is the Next Scribe!

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