"Otaku (おたく / オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games."
The word "otaku" is not a commonly known word. Many have said that only otakus themselves actually know what the word means. However, they are not all that uncommon. Many people have already confessed to their otakuism, while some are still in denial. You might even be an otaku and not even know it yet, simply because you have not yet heard of the word.
Otakus are commonly called "nerds" or "geeks". This is usually because this is closest to what the word "otaku" actually means.
"The term otaku is close in connotation to the English nerd, but the closest English-language analogue to otaku is probably the British English term anorak. Both of these English-language terms have more emphatically negative connotations of poor social skills and obsessive interest in a topic that seems strange, niche or boring to others. It is not applied to a socially awkward intelligent person who appears fairly "normal," and merely has an interest in certain typically 'geekish' pursuits (video games, comic books, computers, etc.)."
You probably know one or more otakus yourself. You definitely know at least one if you know me!!!!!!
What I am most excited about: When school is over
What I am least excited about: homework, tests, quizzes, schoolwork, essays, etc.
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