Golden Retrievers are dogs with many great characteristics. Originating in Scotland, they were used predominantly for hunting. They are medium sized dogs, and have a beautiful gold coat. The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds today. This dog breed is lovable, loyal, well-mannered and intelligent. They can be easily trained and are even-tempered. Goldens are very good watch dogs-mine always barks, even when she hears the slightest noise.
When I was born, there were two golden retrievers in the house. They were so gentle and calm with me when I was little. They are incredible dogs (one of my favorites) because of their personality. Their life expectancy is 10 - 12 years, however, my goldens lived to be 14 and 15 years old.
Their tail is always wagging - they are happy and good-natured animals. They are called "retrievers", which means they like to carry things in their mouth. For example, my dog looks around in every room of the house until she finds a sock and then walks around and around with it in her mouth.
Golden Retrievers are an excellent dog breed, and everyone should have the experience of owning one!
What am I most excited about this year?
Choir/other music related activities.
Choir/other music related activities.
What am I least excited for this year?
So cute! this picture is adorable!