Monday, January 9, 2012

Muddiest Point!

Hi Everyone,

Please explain the three embryonic layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm and what organs and systems develop from these layers.


Sonya A.


  1. The ectoderm basically develops the into the skin and nervous system.
    The mesoderm develop the body's internal structures, like bones,muscles, and blood cells.
    The endoderm forms a lining of organs in the digestive system, respiratory system, and excretory system, according to our book. So things like the stomach and the intestines.

  2. So, the those three germ layers kind of make up the early embryo. There's the endoderm, which is on the very inside of the embryo and is the lining of the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory systems.
    The mesoderm, which basically is the muscles, blood and bones of the embryo, is in the middle of the endoderm and ectoderm. The ectoderm forms the skin and nervous system.
