Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Muddiest Point

Hey guys! I'm a little confused on the difference between the two Phylum's Nematoda and Playthelminthes. If someone could explain to me how to find the difference between them, it'd be great. thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Nematoda are roundworms and Platyhelminthes are flat worms (remember that the root "platy" means flat).
    Nematoda move with muscles that work like hydrostatic skeleton which lets the move like snakes. Platyhelminthes are free living and use cilia and muscle cells.
    They both have bilateral symmetry.
    Nematodas are more complex than platyhelminthes. You know that because nematodas have 2 body openings while the platyhelminthes has one.
    Some key characteristics of Nematodas:
    -shedding outer skin (this shows they are closely related to arthropods than other worm like animals)
    Some key characteristics of Platyhelminthes:
    -soft, unsegmented
    -no coelom
    -(simplest animals to have)3 embryonic germ layers

    You can also look on DOL38-DOL39 in your textbook
