Monday, September 19, 2011

Muddiest Point!

One of the main things that always confuses me is when there's a question asking you to state an organism that's both a 2nd and 3rd order consumer or a 4th and 5th order consumer. Another question I have is how to tell what the original source of energy on a food web is, we had a question like this on our ecology quiz and it really confused me.


  1. If a question asks you to state an organism that is 2 different levels of order of consumers, all you have to do is start in one place (the primary producer) and follow the areas to whichever order you are looking for, then start at that organism and go backwards (downwards) through a different path and see if it has a different number of orders. But if it doesn't, try looking for another path of arrows that make the organism a different order or start all over with a new organism and its paths. But I'm also confused as to how to tell what the original source of energy on a food web is, so I can't help you there. But I hope that I helped on how to find an organism that is 2 different orders.

  2. For the majority of the time, the energy source is the sun because without it, plants wouldn't be able to photosynthesize/ produce glucose (food) for other organisms to eat. Although in some cases the energy source is a chemical, most of the time it is the sun.

  3. TO figure out what order consumer something is, you need to follow A SINGLE food chain within the food web. It is possible for something to be a 2nd order (secondary) consumer and a 3rd order (tertiary) consumer. It just depends on what food web you follow.

    Soooo...whoever eats the plants... that is a primary consumer. Whoever eats the primary consumer is a secondary consumer. But again, organisms are part of MANY food chains within a single food web... SO... they may be different order consumers depending on what chain you are following.

    The answer to that question on the quiz is THE SUN!!!
