Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Review of Class

Today in class, we took notes on section 3.2. We covered the topics: levels of organization, energy flow: producers, energy flow: consumers, food chains, trophic levels, and the food web. In addition to our notes, we had three pictures. They were about the levels of organization, trophic levels, and food webs. Then, we talked about the alien species. Alien species are species of organisms that don't naturally belong where they are right now and are most likely harming the other organisms that live there. We talked about the small project and about different kinds of organisms that are harming the environment they're in. Finally, we continued our Duckweed lab. We checked our control duckweed and wrote down the number of duckweeds on our paper. Then we checked our experimented duckweed and wrote down the number for that too. We ended the day like that.

The next scribe will be HYEON.

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